Je Travel
About is a travel and food blog that provides others with an alternative view of places my family and I explore.
I am Jen, and growing up I was blessed to have my father's career take me around many interesting countries. Since then, I have always enjoyed traveling to new places and trying out new restaurants. I decided to begin blogging these experiences to share with my family, friends and community. It is a great resource to maintain communications with our busy schedules. Outside of blogging, I am an advocate for innovative technologies that advance and promote global and national public health. I lead cultural and technological changes across multiple divisions to achieve the desired results needed to support the mission of my organization through extreme communication, collaboration, and connections. I value people and the world we live in.
Photos and videos are taken with my personal iPhone 5S and GoPro Hero3+.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on Je Travel are my own and do not reflect the views of my current employment, past employment, family, friends, or anyone else. This is a personal blog and does not endorse or promote any business or products.